Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dave Bought A Horse!

It's been a while since my last post and a lot has happened! When I last posted, we were still leasing Sassy, and I thought JJ was on the mend. Wrong on both counts! Dave bought a 7 yr old quarter horse from my trainer, and is not only taking lessons, but is reading Pat Parelli's Natural Horse*Man*Ship. He is also watching my Parelli DVDs!!

Like all good cowboy names, the horses' name is Red. Red, because he's a sorrel (red) horse. Thank goodness he didn't have warts, because...well, they'd have named him wart! Red will stay at Sandi's ranch until the last weekend in Feb as Sandi would like for Dave and Red to get to know each other a little better before we bring him home. She also wanted to finish his training. Red was trained by one of Sandi's students (who did an excellent job, BTW), and Sandi saw a couple of things that still needed to be worked on, so she very generously offered to keep Red at her ranch while she did this. In addition to Red's training, she gave Dave a 50% discount on lessons for the month if he goes 2x's per week, which he is!!! Meanwhile, I get to pay full price. Go figure. Anyway, he has now begun his own human/horse journey, and I think it will be a really good one.

1 comment:

  1. If it is okay with you, can I also read his (Dave's) BLOG>
    Send me an e-mail if so at
    Thanks Greg
