Friday, January 1, 2010

I Love My Horse

It was a beautiful day today, and no I did not go riding. I did spend some undemanding time with JJ though which was a good thing for both of us. Sometimes I just like hang out with him. I'll go into his paddock and just sit with him. He'll come over and try to play with me. He'll pretend he's sniffing my boot then try to nip it. Not in a mean way, but in a funny "I got you!" kind of way. Or he'll stand real close to me and smell the top of my head. He has this itchy spot on his belly that, if I scratch it, he gets this mooney look on his face and his lips go all funny and he points his nose towards his belly when I stop, cause he wants me to scratch him some more! I know, but I just just love that horse. Good news - Dave got the new hitch totally dialed in so we're planning on going out to Ft Ord tomorrow. It's supposed to be a beautiful day, a perfect day for a ride. I got a camera for Christmas which I'll be bringing along to document our rides, and to post on my blog. Also, Sandi called and I have scheduled my first lesson for next Friday!

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