Sunday, December 27, 2009

This Past Year

Okay, so it's been 1 year since my first blog. I had hopes of blogging monthly, but that didn't work out. I'm more "blog savvy' now and know that each blog doesn't have to be a short story. However, I needed a reason to write. So, why am I doing this??? Because I'm OCD, and goal oriented, and this will help me achieve my goals which are, in no particular order as follows:

  1. Completing and sending both my Level 2 On-line and Free-style auditions to Parelli (

  2. Take riding lessons from Sandi Parker.

  3. Go on more that 1 ride with the Monterey Bay Equestrians, (

  4. Participate in the play dates with the Bay Area Savvy Players (

  5. Learn to back-up my trailer.

  6. Go horse camping.

In this past year since I last blogged I; got wireless Internet so I can actually post pictures, took a major (major for me anyway) fall off JJ and in the process freaked myself out about riding him, passed my Parelli Level 1 On-Line (, attended a Dave Ellis clinic, bought my dream trailer, and in August, my husband, Dave, got a horse (which I'll write about later) and we've been on quite a few trail rides. It's been a good year!

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