Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

It's New Years eve, the family is safe and well. All the "kids" were home for Christmas for the first time in 5 years and it was good. When you're in the middle of raisin' up kids you don't think it will ever be any different then all of you together forever, but kids grow up and get lives and families of their own. You don't have as many "Family" days together. The ones you get are precious. Relish them. I hope I can stay up until midnight, but if not it's still been a great day. Our oldest son made it back safely to his home in Detroit, our middle son is spending New Years with his wife and best friends in town, and our youngest is actually home with us (but on the phone with his girlfriend). So we'll be ringing in the year with him. It was an eventful day. The heavy duty towhitch was delivered, and Dave installed it so we are now almost ready to go horse camping. (We still need panels, but we can find sites with pipe corrals.) My finess reins and Theraflex pad arrived, and I called Sandi Parker and left a message regarding lessons. 2010. A new year. A new decade. A new begining.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Stormy Day

We were going to go for a beach ride today. It was perfect. It's a week day so the beach should have been deserted, and it was a minus tide. We'd have lots of room and hard pack sand for running. Unfortunately the horses hadn't been out for a month, it was stormy, and rainy and they were very fresh. We played with them for a while in the round pen and they were okay, but the weather got worse. We'll try again tomorrow. I ordered my finesse reins and Theraflex saddle pad today. I should receive them on Thurs!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

This Past Year

Okay, so it's been 1 year since my first blog. I had hopes of blogging monthly, but that didn't work out. I'm more "blog savvy' now and know that each blog doesn't have to be a short story. However, I needed a reason to write. So, why am I doing this??? Because I'm OCD, and goal oriented, and this will help me achieve my goals which are, in no particular order as follows:

  1. Completing and sending both my Level 2 On-line and Free-style auditions to Parelli (

  2. Take riding lessons from Sandi Parker.

  3. Go on more that 1 ride with the Monterey Bay Equestrians, (

  4. Participate in the play dates with the Bay Area Savvy Players (

  5. Learn to back-up my trailer.

  6. Go horse camping.

In this past year since I last blogged I; got wireless Internet so I can actually post pictures, took a major (major for me anyway) fall off JJ and in the process freaked myself out about riding him, passed my Parelli Level 1 On-Line (, attended a Dave Ellis clinic, bought my dream trailer, and in August, my husband, Dave, got a horse (which I'll write about later) and we've been on quite a few trail rides. It's been a good year!